50th Malaysia Nasional Day...Merdeka!
Filed under: 生活点滴 Author:Number 2 Refreshment Corner 开心二号休闲站
Filed under: 美食介绍 Author:
你吃过槟城的冷豆花了吗?在开心二号休闲站 (Number 2 Refreshment Corner), Prangin Mall ,Penang 你别小看这普通的冷豆花哦,单看包装就觉得很创意了。。

有很多选择。独特冷豆花加上配料。pandan, coffee, sweet corn pudding add some fruits ..


有很多选择。独特冷豆花加上配料。pandan, coffee, sweet corn pudding add some fruits ..


Anaconda Snake Sungai Petani 蟒蛇???
Filed under: 最新消息 Author:Unit Visit
Filed under: 部落格相关 Author:受区域股市暴泻牵连 马股中午失守1200点
Filed under: 理财资讯 Author:(吉隆坡17日讯)区域股市扭转早段的升势后进一步全面大泻,连累大马股市今早也先盛后衰,盘价续全线滑落,综合指数一举跌破1200点和1180点心理支持关口。
美国最大抵押贷款机构Countrywide Financial表示将悉数动用一笔115亿美元的信贷数额,令投资者的信心续受创,因市场人士认为这进一步验证了信贷危机尚未结束的事实。资料来源:光华日报

AddYourLinks Service Overview
Filed under: 部落格相关 Author:
AddYourLinks is a service designed for website owners to find link exchange partners easily through our system. AddYourLinks will help you to increase your link popularity, page rank and improve your search engine rankings.
The more sites that link to you, the higher your link popularity becomes. Sites with similar content to yours increases the changes of high search engine rankings and higher page rank. AddYourLinks is here to assist you in finding website publishers like yourself who are willing to exchange links with each other.
AddYourLinks is a link exchange service that allows you to exchange links with one another to increase traffic and link popularity of their web sites. It also increases your Google page rank and search engine ranking by exchanging links with members in our link exchange directory.
You do not have to find link partners manually as our system is designed in such a way that you can find link partners easily category wise and trade links with them. You will not have to update your links page everyday when someone accepts a link exchange request or sends you a link trade request as the link page is made dynamically which means you just have to accept and trade links and they will start appearing on links page automatically..
We also can check our Page Rank in AddYourLinks. Haha...my Page Rank now is 0/10....
How to Put Adsense Code to Blogger
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Nuffnang Advertising Community
Filed under: 赚钱网站 Author:
What is Nuffnang?? Nuffnang is a blog advertising community with hopes of earning money from blog ads but also in a show of support for the community.
i joint it since May 2007 . If compare with avertlets ads is quite low earning..hehe. Anyway Nuffnang provides you the chance to earn money from your blog. Until now i earn RM 6.80 from Nuffnang ads already. No bad la...still got another extra income besides the advertlets and google ads. If wan know more information about Nuffnang, click the logo below to nuffnang website.
i joint it since May 2007 . If compare with avertlets ads is quite low earning..hehe. Anyway Nuffnang provides you the chance to earn money from your blog. Until now i earn RM 6.80 from Nuffnang ads already. No bad la...still got another extra income besides the advertlets and google ads. If wan know more information about Nuffnang, click the logo below to nuffnang website.
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